Regulations of public services
Approved by
resolution of akimat
Pavlodar region
dated May 28, 2015
№. 153/5
State service regulations
«Reception of documents in the organization of technical
and professional, post-secondary education ”
- General Provisions
- 1. The state service «Reception of documents in the organization of technical and professional, post-secondary education» (hereinafter referred to as the state service) is provided by the organizations of technical and professional, post-secondary education of the Pavlodar region (hereinafter referred to as the service provider).
- Applications are accepted and the results of the provision of public services are issued on the basis of an educational institution of technical and vocational, post-secondary education.
3.. Form of provision of public services: paper.
- 1. The result of the provision of public services – a receipt on the admission of documents to an educational institution of technical and vocational, post-secondary education in the form in accordance with the annex to the Standard of public service “Acceptance of documents in the organization of technical and vocational, post-secondary education”, approved by order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic Kazakhstan dated April 14, 2015 No. 200 (hereinafter – the Standard).
- 2. Описание порядка действий структурных подразделений
(работников) услугодателя в процессе оказания государственной услуги
- Основанием для начала процедуры (действия) по оказанию государственной услуги является заявление услугополучателя с приложением необходимых документов, указанных в пункте 9 Стандарта.
- The content of each procedure (action) that is part of the public service delivery process, the duration of its implementation:
The technical secretary of the selection committee of the service provider accepts and registers the documents received from the service receiver and issues the result of the state service to the service receiver – no more than 15 minutes.
6.The result of the procedure (action) for the provision of public services is a receipt on the admission of documents to the institution of technical and vocational, post-secondary education in the form in accordance with the Appendix to the Standard.
- 3. Description of the interaction of structural units (workers) of the service provider in the process of providing public services
- 7. The list of structural units (workers) of the service provider that are involved in the provision of public services:
technical secretary of the selection committee of the service provider.
- 8. A description of the sequence of procedures (actions) between structural divisions (employees) with an indication of the duration of each procedure (action) is accompanied by a directory of business processes for the provision of public services in accordance with the appendix to this regulation.
- 4. Description of the procedure for interaction with the State Corporation,
- as well as the procedure for using information systems
- in the process of providing public services
- 9. According to the standard, the state service is not provided through the non-profit joint-stock company State Corporation Government for Citizens and the e-government web portal.
to the regulation of public services
“Acceptance of documents in the organization of technical and professional, post-secondary education”
public service business processes
“Acceptance of documents in the organization of technical and professional, post-secondary education”